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Welcome to Restoring Our Children's Hope
Home Page


Restoring Our Children’s Hope (ROCH) is a Liberian non-governmental organization (NGO) consisting of trained and certified teachers and community volunteers in community social mobilization skills.
We are working to educate children and youth on their rights and the avoidance of contracting preventable diseases such Malaria, Pneumonia, diarrhea, HIV and AIDS, Ebola and other emerging sicknesses and outbreaks.



We also provide friendly and fun based education program that accelerate learning for marginalize children in fewer months to catch up with colleague who are ahead in academic levels. We depend on the dedication of our strong community based networks as well as our expertise in designing attractive community mobilization events in reaching to the most vulnerable people in most disadvantaged communities.



We are currently working with 500 children who miss out on their pre-school and early primary lessons due to crisis including Ebola, bringing them on par with their grade 3 counterparts within 6months period in rural Montserrado.


To date we have trained more than 1,500 volunteers and have reached 35,000 children and youth across 8 counties in Liberia 


Founded in 2009, ROCH Coaches are trained and skilled agents of change for  volnerable children and youth in the most disadvantaged communities in Montserrado, Margibi, Bong, and Lofa Counties since 2006 when they were trained under Right To Play Liberia.
Following the phase out of Right To Play from these communities, ROCH members decided to mobilize and establish their own organization to ensure the sustainability of activities, with Right To Play’s support.  In 2010, ROCH expanded to Grand Gedeh and Maryland Counties in the remote and chronically underserviced South East region of Liberia. Early 2012, ROCH expanded to three more counties including Sinoe, River Gee and Nimba counties. Cognizant of our role to help develop the mental, physical, social, and emotional health of children in Liberia, we are committed to action in the interests of our precious country, Liberia, and its future leaders.

Our vision is a peaceful and healthier society for
children and youth

To improve the holistic development of children and youth using the power of sport and play activities

Happy Children,
Healthy Nation!

What do we do?

The overwhelming popularity of sport in Liberia makes it an ideal tool for reaching out to children, youth, and community members.  The very act of coming together to share an experience can play a powerful role in helping Liberians move away from a past marked by nearly two decades of civil conflict and overcome lingering challenges such as poor access to education and health care service. 
Sport provides a forum to learn skills such as discipline, concentration, confidence, teamwork and leadership.  It can also be harnessed to teach core messages surrounding cooperation, inclusion, and respect for diversity, disease prevention, and rights awareness. 

ROCH uses special games designed to impart key life skills and knowledge about disease prevention through regular activities and structured discussions with trained volunteers. To support this regular and ongoing learning, we also organize community mobilization and awareness events including sport tournaments, festivals, and youth based clubs, which address issues ranging from peace building, to child rights, to health promotion. 

Our strong community based combined with a large reach of children and youth across the country has made us a popular partner for many other organizations working in Liberia.  Through regular sport and play activities and community outreach, we are able to link up our beneficiaries with other services, leading to greater change in the lives of thousands of Liberians. When these positive aspects of sport and play are emphasized, sport becomes a powerful tool through which ROCH can help communities to “lift themselves, and lift Liberia”.


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